‘The first time ever I saw your face, the sun rose into your eyes’
Charcoal and mixed-media collage
‘Carrying the weight of the sun’
Gouache woodcut print and mixed-media collage
‘The fox, the stairs and the spaces in between’
Mixed-media collage
‘Fantail adventures and idle gossip’
Woodcut print acrylic gouache string and mixed media collage
‘Her thoughts were interrupted by a cacophony of squawks and wings beating’
Oil on linen woodcut print and mixed-media collage
‘An uncontrolled layering of hands, feet and dreams’
Wire mesh acrylic gouache and mixed media collage
Charcoal, Gouache and Grass on Box Canvas
‘They came like swallows and like swallows went’
pastel charcoal graphite and mixed-media collage
‘Don’t judge the things that sustain’
Etched acrylic over collage
‘Take it in your stride’
Etched acrylic over collage
‘Reflections in sand’
Multi-layered drawing in charred board and etched acrylic
‘Peeping toes’
Multi-layered drawing in charred board and etched acrylic
‘Within reach’
Multi-layered drawing in charred board and etched acrylic
Mixed media collage
Mixed media collage
Mixed media collage
Mixed media collage
Mixed media collage